
AKA WWJD?: Interrogating Gendered Ideologies and Urban Revanchism

Published in Diverging the Popular, Gender and Trauma AKA The Jessica Jones Anthology, 2024

Kilgrave’s psychological abuse of his victims, his absolute and total control, his manipulation, and his dominance over their agency are all part of what makes him utterly terrifying: his powers are subtle exaggerations of very real human abilities.

Recommended citation: Jacob, Arun and Elizabeth Di Emanuele. (2024). “AKA WWJD?: Interrogating Gendered Ideologies and Urban Revanchism”, Diverging the Popular, Gender and Trauma AKA The Jessica Jones Anthology edited by Mary Grace Lao, Jessica Bay and Pree Rehal, University of Calgary Press. pp. 243-252.

Bad Boundaries: Geofences and the Intimacies of Location Data

Published in TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 2024

Geofencing is a practice that exploits the intimacy of locational data not simply by accessing private data but also by using intimate data to index the body in relation to risk and safety and property and trespass.

Recommended citation: Noone, Rebecca, and Arun Jacob. (2024). “Bad Boundaries: Geofences and the Intimacies of Location Data,” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, Issue 48, Special Issue: Platform Intimacies.

Making the most of the ‘crisortunity’: Techno-fixes and precarity in a global pandemic

Published in Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH), 2022

What does a robust and useful technological response to a crisis, aware and attentive to the biases and messages of digital media, look like?

Recommended citation: Bryant, Haley, Nelanthi Hewa, Camille Inston and Arun Jacob (2022).“Making the most of the ‘crisortunity’: Techno-fixes and precarity in a global pandemic” Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH), vol. 3, no. 2, Dec 02, 2022.

Transforming DH Pedagogy

Published in Digital Studies/le champ numérique (DSCN) Open Issue 2020, 2021

This paper is describing the ways in which new forms of pedagogical practices are expanding and changing the field of Digital Humanities.

Recommended citation: Boulay, N., Morford, A. C., Jacob, A., Patel, K., O'Donnell, K. (2021). "Transforming DH Pedagogy." Digital Studies/le Champ Numérique. 11(1).